Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly

D4FLY is a research and innovation project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme “Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens”.
The project focuses on enhancing the quality and efficiency of identity verification at border crossings in all modalities: land, air, and sea by providing faster and more secure border control solutions.
The project consortium is formed by 19 partners from 11 European countries including universities, SMEs, research institutes and border control authorities.
Research topics:
Biometric technologies for the verification of traveler’s identities on-the-move through 3D face, iris, and somatotype recognition
Smartphone applications for enhanced traveler verification
Thermal and multispectral imaging for counter spoofing
Advanced morphed face detection algorithms through Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Neural Networks and advanced methods for impostor and document fraud detection
Computer vision algorithms for automated passport forgery detection
Ethical, legal, social impact assessment of the developed technologies
The overall D4FLY concept is to identify, reduce and avoid vulnerabilities in the identity lifecycle of modern border management, thereby strengthening European Smart Borders against serious and organized crime. It does this by exploring, developing and validating new technologies for identity and document verification – including biometrics-on-the-fly, and even explores how this could work in risk-based border management concepts.
More information

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 833704